Who we are

Catherine Cowell
Spiritual direction, Coaching, Facilitation, Training
Along with Sean Kennedy, Catherine is the creator of the Loved Called Gifted course. She is a Spiritual Director and a Life and Leadership Coach. She is a skilled and experienced facilitator and runs courses, retreats and team building days. Catherine is passionate about helping people discover their life calling. She is an adoptive parent, and this calling occupies much of her time. For several years she was leader of ‘Church Without Walls’ and has been the catalyst behind a number of innovative projects in Stoke-on-Trent such as 'Nightchurch’, a chill out lounge for clubbers, and ‘Wings’ – where people in need can find a comfy place to hang out, a warm welcome and a good meal. She has worked in the NHS as both a clinician and a manager.
You might also be interested to explore Catherine's blog on Medium.
+44 7828 180179
Sean Kennedy
Coach, Facilitator, MBTI Practitioner
Originating from Northern Ireland Sean is a Personal Performance Coach, Leadership Coach, Myers- Briggs &, DiSC Practitioner and workshop trainer. Starting as an Engineer working in the NHS, industry and academia he found God calling him to work more with people. After working at a hostel for young people, encouraging them out of cycle of crime and joblessness, Sean trained as a counsellor before moving into coaching and personal development; starting 'Positive Steps Forward,' his own coaching and personal development company. He and Catherine have worked together on a number of projects, including the Loved Called Gifted course, and have co-authored two books.

Stephen Dainty
Technical wizardry and general brilliance
Stephen is a medical physicist, and works at the local hospital. He also does freelance photography, and audio-visual work. He edits the podcast, produces videos and provides technical and creative expertise.

Elizabeth Grosvenor
Podcast transcribing
Elizabeth transcribes the podcasts. Mostly so she can get a sneak-peak at the content.
But she finds it much easier to get motivated when there's a deadline looming than a fortnight before it's strictly necessary (has a preference for perceiving, if you're fluent in Myers Briggs), so quite often her 'sneak-peak' is only the Thursday night before the podcast lands on a Friday!