Parenting children with additional needs requires a whole different outlook and skill set....
Catherine and Margaret have been additional needs parents for a long time now. With backgrounds in health visiting, coaching, spiritual direction, therapeutic mentoring amongst other things, we have decided to put our experience and knowledge to work and are creating a course / support group for fellow parents. It has a strong emphasis on emotional and spiritual health and will be particularly relevant to people of faith but is open to anyone. The course will be eight sessions of two hours, will be run locally in Stoke on Trent and online via zoom. We are looking for people who would both benefit from the course and help us to shape it for the future.
Loved Called Gifted Course
Loved Called Gifted is our signature course. Loved Called Gifted is a prayerful journey of self discovery; an invitation to explore your identity, your gifts and your calling. Wherever you are on your journey, whether you're just starting out or about to retire, there is something here for you.
The course was created by Catherine Cowell and Sean Kennedy. It is rooted in Christian theology, which sees each individual as inherently valuable, unique and having something significant to offer the world. It draws upon the fields of coaching, counselling, NLP (neurolinguistic programming) psychotherapy and spiritual direction.
Loved Called Gifted is aimed at people who would readily identify themselves as Christians. It works well with large and small groups, as a weekly course or for a weekend away. If you would be interested in running the course, please contact us.
We ran our first course in 2012. We are delighted to celebrate our ten year anniversary by offering our new, self-taught, online Loved Called Gifted course for free! See below...
Precious, Powerful Passionate Course
We all have things that we are passionate about. Things that inspire us. The Precious, Powerful, Passionate course gives you an opportunity to build your confidence and reflect on what you want to do with your life. Wherever you are on your journey, whether you're just starting out or about to retire, there is something here for you.
The course was created by Catherine Cowell and Sean Kennedy. It sees each individual as inherently valuable, unique and having something significant to offer the world. It draws upon the fields of coaching, counselling, NLP (neurolinguistic programming) psychotherapy and spiritual direction.
Precious, Powerful, Passionate is aimed at people of all faiths and of none. There is opportunity to reflect on the spiritual side of life, for those who want to do that. It works well with large and small groups, as a weekly course or for a weekend away. If you would be interested in running the course, please contact us.
Discover our self-taught, online Precious, Powerful, Passionate course for free! See below...