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Overcoming barriers with pink elephants

Sean Kennedy

Obsessive and repetitive thoughts: guilt, fear and anxiety can hinder us discovering our calling and going about it.

Sue and I worked together to help her associate her unreasonably negative beliefs about herself with something totally ridiculous. She learned to notice the thoughts and label them ‘pink elephants.’ When they entered her head, she now smiled, knowing they were ridiculous and unsustainable impostors.

Paul does some excellent positive thinking in his letter to the Phillipians: Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.

Seriously what has your negative thinking ever done for you? Positive thinking is not naivety. It is the basis of success in virtually every human endeavour. It finds the answers and solutions where negativity simply can’t.

What are your biggest pink elephant imposter thoughts?”

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